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Thursday, February 12, 2009

These Hands

These are the hands of your three dudes
Some young, some old, some used, some new
You might see some dirt, you might see some blisters
You might see them torment you and their sisters

But there’s more to these hands than what meets the eye
So stop and look closer while we tell you why

These hands are connected to hearts that adore you
Two generations of hearts beating for you
In a world of lies and selfish pursuits
These hands were designed to uphold the truth
These hands were designed to protect and provide
To work and serve, to lead and to guide
These hands are equipped to defend and attack
So when you get worried, we’ve got your back

These are the hands of father and son
Trying to balance the work and the fun
So close your eyes, my lady, and rest
These hands are God’s gift and this is our quest.